
Bladeguard Veteran

Digital fan-art of the classic Bladeguard Veteran model in the colors of the Lamenters Chapter. Besides traditional 3D-modeling, this project gave me an opportunity to play around and practice lighting, volumetrics and a smoke simulation for the sword.

Render engine
Work Type

Magnus the Red

Proin at justo a diam rhoncus sodales. Duis finibus lobortis ornare. Quisque vulputate velit justo, nec tempus tortor condimentum non. Vestibulum leo leo, egestas a iaculis eget, laoreet ut tellus.

Render engine
Work Type

Ice Explosion

Part of an experiment I like to call "Helldivers 2 stratagems but they're magic". In total it consists of three parts: The particle that's thrown (Grenade), light beam indicator and the explosion effect itself.

Work Type

Let’s talk about your project

Visual Effects, 3D graphics, textures and materials, and game development